Praying For Our Bishops With the Rosary


A Missionary Messenger (the Missionaries of the Liturgy newsletter) is going out this week and included in the mailing are special rosary intentions to be offered for your bishop or for all bishops.  I will include below an article from the Missionary Messenger.  In another post on this website you will see the list of dioceses still available so that you may sign up to pray for the bishop of one of the dioceses of our country.  Hopefully by the end of the summer the bishop of every diocese will be covered with the prayers of the Bishop’s Rosary.

From the Missionary Messenger, May, 2018

Our world is full of turmoil and trouble, and at the root of some of the problems are ways of thinking that are not grounded in truth. There is so much noise in the world that few people ponder the things they hold as true. In the writings of Pope Leo XIII and other writers from the last century, I have found wisdom and truths that speak to all that we are experiencing today. Most Catholics are unaware of these teachings and are being led astray by ways of thinking and acting that they believe can help others and society when actually they are unknowingly supporting things that tear it apart.

My first thought as I pondered all these things was…our Bishops need to do something to spread these beautiful teachings. And so I came upon an idea of praying for each of the Bishops of our country in a very special way. In this mailing I am enclosing intentions that can be prayed as part of your daily rosary for your own bishop or for all bishops of our country and even of the world, including the Holy Father who is, of course, the Bishop of Rome. I also wish to organize small groups of people that will specifically pray for the Bishop of each of the dioceses of our country.

Many years ago I met a woman at my grandma’s church who had organized a ‘prayer wheel’ to pray for the priest of her parish. At the center of the wheel was a person to organize the project. On the wheel were seven spokes. The organizer merely had to find seven people who would agree to pray a rosary for the priest one day of the week. I decided to do the same thing for every diocese of our country. I have included a list of the dioceses of our country with this mailing. If you would like to organize a prayer wheel for your diocese or another, you can use the enclosed slip to let me know. Hopefully we can find someone to organize prayers for every diocese in our land. I have some items that have the symbols of a Bishop to put into special Bishop prayer bags I send out to the organizer of each prayer wheel. Once we have covered every diocese, we can certainly double up on certain dioceses where there are lots of prayer volunteers (such as those in Mich. and Wis). I will keep a list of the dioceses on my website so you can see which ones are still available. I will also ask those who visit the Shrine from unclaimed dioceses if they would like to organize a prayer wheel for their Bishop. Please pray for the success of this project and use the enclosed ‘Rosary for Our Bishops’ to pray for their many needs.


Categories: About the Rosary,Featured,Missionaries of the Liturgy,News

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