Prayer Intentions For Our Bishops |
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Prayer For Our Bishops
By Servant Maria Volp
(As you pray this prayer, you can pause for a moment
or insert a Hail Mary or Glory Be in between each section to pray for the intentions mentioned.
For a shorter daily prayer, pray the first three sections)
Dearest Lord, who established your Church on the Rock of Peter and the college of apostles, help their successors, especially the Bishops of our country, be generous in faithfully res-ponding to the call of their difficult vocation….
–Help them to give themselves generously to prayer so that they may inspire the faithful to grow in their fidelity to daily prayer and the reading of Holy Scripture …
–Guide them to be wise in coordinating the Apostolate in their dioceses, drawing the faithful to holiness and generosity in meeting the spiritual and corporal needs of all…
(for a shorter prayer, stop here)
–Grant Bishops the grace of a deep love, understanding and appreciation of the Mass and the Blessed Sacrament so that their priests and their flock may see that it is the source and summit of our faith…
–Help them offer clear catechetical and moral teaching leading their faithful to know, understand and live their faith so fully that they will bring it to those who do not know Christ and those who do not know Him well…
–Teach them to avoid extravagance in their own lives and in their policies…
–Turning to prayer and the Holy Spirit in the midst of the challenges and divisions which arise between themselves and other bishops as well as with their clergy, may God guide them to unity in truth and in charity…
–May our Bishops lead their flock by word and example to support those in anguish, error, confusion, and doubt by the generous practice of the spiritual works of mercy…
–May they inspire their flock by their lives and by their teachings to minister to the poor, the sick and the suffering, to all those who share in the passion of Christ, through the generous practice of the corporal works of mercy …
— Help them be a holy example to many young men to listen and respond to the call of God to serve Him in the priesthood…
–May our Bishops be humble in the midst of the criticism they receive as they strive to fulfill their duties as bishop. Help them listen with honesty, with peace, not becoming defensive, nor backing down in the face of truth, finding solace for their trials in the Cross of Christ…
–Filled with a tender devotion to Our Lady, may they teach all to draw near so loving a Mother who ever leads us to know and love her Son, especially in the praying of the daily Rosary…
–Finally, dear Lord, may our Bishops, by all that they do, witness to the life to come, not allowing their mundane duties, nor the honors they receive, nor the difficulties they endure, nor their greatest achievements to take their eyes off the finish line of heaven…
–And may God allow their work to likewise draw the flock entrusted to them to this same heavenly goal so that all may share one day in the joys of heaven, with the angels and the saints, with Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and with the Blessed Trinity for all eternity…
We ask all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
© 2020 Servant Maria Volp/Missionaries of the Liturgy
302 E. Margaret St. Iron Mountain, MI 49801
–May our Bishops lead their flock by word and example to support those in anguish, error, confusion, and doubt by the generous practice of the spiritual works of mercy…
–May they inspire their flock by their lives and by their teachings to minister to the poor, the sick and the suffering, to all those who share in the passion of Christ, through the generous practice of the corporal works of mercy …
— Help them be a holy example to many young men to listen and respond to the call of God to serve Him in the priesthood…
–May our Bishops be humble in the midst of the criticism they receive as they strive to fulfill their duties as bishop. Help them listen with honesty, with peace, not becoming defensive, nor backing down in the face of truth, finding solace for their trials in the Cross of Christ…
–Filled with a tender devotion to Our Lady, may they teach all to draw near so loving a Mother who ever leads us to know and love her Son, especially in the praying of the daily Rosary…
–Finally, dear Lord, may our Bishops, by all that they do, witness to the life to come, not allowing their mundane duties, nor the honors they receive, nor the difficulties they endure, nor their greatest achievements to take their eyes off the finish line of heaven…
–And may God allow their work to likewise draw the flock entrusted to them to this same heavenly goal so that all may share one day in the joys of heaven, with the angels and the saints, with Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and with the Blessed Trinity for all eternity…
We ask all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
© 2020 Servant Maria Volp/Missionaries of the Liturgy
302 E. Margaret St. Iron Mountain, MI 49801
–May our Bishops lead their flock by word and example to support those in anguish, error, confusion, and doubt by the generous practice of the spiritual works of mercy…
–May they inspire their flock by their lives and by their teachings to minister to the poor, the sick and the suffering, to all those who share in the passion of Christ, through the generous practice of the corporal works of mercy …
— Help them be a holy example to many young men to listen and respond to the call of God to serve Him in the priesthood…
–May our Bishops be humble in the midst of the criticism they receive as they strive to fulfill their duties as bishop. Help them listen with honesty, with peace, not becoming defensive, nor backing down in the face of truth, finding solace for their trials in the Cross of Christ…
–Filled with a tender devotion to Our Lady, may they teach all to draw near so loving a Mother who ever leads us to know and love her Son, especially in the praying of the daily Rosary…
–Finally, dear Lord, may our Bishops, by all that they do, witness to the life to come, not allowing their mundane duties, nor the honors they receive, nor the difficulties they endure, nor their greatest achievements to take their eyes off the finish line of heaven…
–And may God allow their work to likewise draw the flock entrusted to them to this same heavenly goal so that all may share one day in the joys of heaven, with the angels and the saints, with Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and with the Blessed Trinity for all eternity…
We ask all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
© 2020 Servant Maria Volp/Missionaries of the Liturgy
302 E. Margaret St. Iron Mountain, MI 49801
In May, 2018 I made up some prayer intentions based on the Mysteries of the Rosary through which we can offer special prayers for our Bishops. Recently I have begun distributing a little booklet, the first chapter of a book about the lessons I have learned since I began giving away rosaries for the 100th anniversary of Fatima. I mentioned in the booklet that you can find these intentions here on this website, so here they are…
You have permission to reprint these for prayer services or prayer sheets and other non-commercial uses. I will put a pdf of the sheet I sent in the mailing with these intentions when I get a chance. Let us pray for our bishops often.
The Joyful Mysteries
The Annunciation
May our Bishops be generous in faithfully responding to the call of their difficult vocation, as Our Lady did when the Angel Gabriel asked her to be the Mother of Our Savior.
The Visitation
May our Bishops be wise in coordinating the Apostolate in their dioceses, drawing the faithful to holiness and generosity in meeting the spiritual and corporal needs of all, as Our Lady was generous in lovingly serving her cousin Elizabeth.
The Nativity
May our Bishops have simplicity of life and policies, using their resources wisely, planning projects in the most frugal yet effective ways, following the example of Our Lord who chose to be born to poor parents whose love, faith, hard work and resourceful-ness made up for the funds they lacked.
The Presentation
May our Bishops be diligent in protecting the integrity of the Liturgical Celebrations in their dioceses, pastorally leading priests to understand the importance of unity and respect for the Church’s directives just as Mary and Joseph faithfully observed the Law in presenting Jesus in the Temple forty days after His holy birth.
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
May our Bishops turn to prayer and the Holy Spirit in the midst of the challenges and divisions which arise between themselves and other bishops as well as with their clergy, May God guide them to unity in truth and charity, as He led the Holy Family to be reunited after they were separated from each other for three difficult days.
The Luminous Mysteries
The Baptism of Jesus
May our Bishops be a holy example to many young men to listen and respond to the call of God to serve Him in the priesthood just as the spiritual experiences of Jesus’ Baptism surely gave Him strength as He began his public ministry.
The Wedding at Cana
May our Bishops offer clear teaching on morality in marriage and in family life through his priests, his own writings, the diocesan paper and any other means to help families in the challenges they encounter just as Our Lady and Our Lord helped that couple in their difficulty at the Wedding feast of Cana.
The Proclamation of the Kingdom
May our Bishops offer clear catechetical teaching in an effective manner so that the faithful know and understand their faith so completely that they can teach it to those who do not know Christ and those who do not know Him well, just as Jesus taught his first disciples the Gospel in such a way that it spread through the whole world.
The Transfiguration
May all Bishops and priests give themselves generously to prayer so that they may inspire the faithful to grow in their fidelity to daily prayer and the reading of Holy Scripture that all may encounter God in a deep way just as the apostles drew close to the Holy Trinity in their experience on the Mount of Transfiguration.
The Institution of the Holy Eucharist
May all Bishops lead their priests to a deep love, understanding and appreciation for the Mass and the Blessed Sacrament so that they and the faithful may see that it as the source and summit of our faith, for Our Lord entrusted this great Gift of His love to us on his last night on earth that we might ever offer it as the perfect Gift to our Heavenly Father.
The Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony in the Garden
May our Bishops inspire their priests and people by word and example to support those in anguish, error, confusion, and despair through the generous practice of the spiritual works of mercy just as our Heavenly Father through His angel strengthened and consoled Jesus in the hour of His agony.
The Scourging at the Pillar
May our Bishops inspire their priests and the faithful by word and example to generously minister to the poor, the sick and the suffering, through the generous practice of the corporal works of mercy bringing comfort and help to homes, to hospitals, to prisons and nursing homes, and to the streets in our own country and mission lands… wherever there are those who share in the passion of Christ by the sufferings they endure.
The Crowning With Thorns
May our Bishops be filled with humility in the midst of the criticism of many as they strive to fulfill their duties as bishop, listening with honesty, with peace, not becoming defensive, yet not backing down in the face of truth, bringing all their trials to the Lord, drawing strength from Him who endured and suffered the ridicule of the soldiers as He was crowned with thorns.
The Carrying of the Cross
May our Bishops, through a deep prayer life, teach their priests and people the great power of suffering and penance in their lives and the life of the Church: to purify us, to make reparation for sin and to draw down grace from God for sanctification and the conversion of sinners; for these sufferings are united to Christ’s whose suffering and death obtained the salvation of the world.
The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord
May our Bishops take care to make their flocks mindful of the importance of preparing for a holy death, of embracing those sufferings which God permits at the end of our days that, in imitation of our Blessed Savior in our last moments we may peacefully commend our spirits into the hands of our heavenly Father.
The Glorious Mysteries
The Resurrection
May our Bishops remind their Faithful of the call of their Baptism to carry the glorious light of the Risen Christ to our darkened world through a life of holiness, witnessing each day that the power of God is stronger than any evil that can be experienced in this world, just as Jesus, despite the evil intent of his enemies, rose triumphant from the grave.
The Ascension
May our Bishops be mindful of the obligation they have to support the missions throughout the world, where there is great poverty, where the Church is persecuted, where the Word of God has not yet been proclaimed, and where the faithful are in danger of falling away from the faith by generously sending missionaries, as well as other resources so that they may even today fulfill the mandate Our Lord gave the apostles at His Ascension.
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
May our Bishops by fidelity to prayer and docility to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit be ever more filled with Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding, Fortitude, Counsel, Piety and Fear of the Lord so that they may think and act in a truly supernatural manner, guiding their priests and people to do likewise and permeate our world with the Spirit of the Lord as did Our Lady, the apostles and the first disciples beginning on the day of Pentecost.
The Assumption
May our Bishops have a tender devotion to Our Lady and the Rosary, and inspire their priests and people to draw near to so loving a Mother and to find strength and wisdom from the practice of the daily Rosary, which she has asked of us from her place in heaven, for she knows that by pondering the mysteries of our faith we can more faithfully follow in the footsteps of her Son.
The Coronation
May our Bishops, by all that they do, witness to the life to come, not allowing their mundane duties, the honors they receive, the difficulties they endure, nor their greatest achievements to take their eyes off the finish line of heaven, and may God allow their work to likewise draw their priests and their people toward this same heavenly goal so that all may share in the joys of heaven, with the angels and the saints, with Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and with the Blessed Trinity for all eternity.
© 2018 Missionaries of the Liturgy
Servant Maria Volp
302 E. Margaret St. Iron Mountain, MI 49801
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