Life Is Worth Pondering: The One Thing Necessary July 21, 2019 |
Written by Servant Maria | 0 Comments |
In this week’s Gospel Mary sits at the feet of Jesus as Martha works away preparing a meal for Our Lord. When Martha asks Jesus to send Mary to help her, He tells Martha that she who is sitting at His feet listening to Him in love is doing the ‘one thing necessary’…Mary has chosen the better part, and it shall not be taken from her.
In this week’s episode of Life is Worth Pondering, Servant Maria explains how we can do the ‘one thing necessary’ as Mary did in the Gospel and each week make time for a Holy Hour with Jesus. Jesus asked St. Margaret Mary to spend a Holy Hour each week with Him in reparation for the sins of those who do not love Him as they should. In this lesson as well as in this Holy Hour with Jesus, Servant Maria gives you ideas for your weekly Holy Hour. Let us respond to the Heart of Jesus and spend time with Him, let us also choose the better part, at least for some time each day, and for one complete Holy Hour a week (or more, if possible).
Download the outline of a simple Holy Hour here: Holy Hour with Jesus
Download this week’s episode here:
Life Is Worth Pondering: The One Thing Necessary July 21, 2019
Or listen to it here:
Categories: About the Sacred Heart,Featured,The Servant Maria Show: Life is Worth Pondering