Lessons From A Crisis Retreat VI (a) April 11, 2020


I recorded this’ Lesson From A Crisis’ talk on Holy Saturday.  The first part of the talk continues St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercise as we get into the topic of pondering our sins and their effect on our lives and on God’s working through us.  Toward the end of the lesson, I look at the beautiful symbolism of the Holy Saturday liturgy by which each of us brings Christ’s light to this darkened world.  Let us pray for our bishops that they will grow in looking at all things from a supernatural point of view.  Let us pray for a holy end to the great crisis. But most of all let us pray for our own growth in holiness, allowing God to use us for His glory and His love.

Listen to the Lesson here:


Or download the lesson here:

Lessons From A Crisis Retreat VI Holy Saturday April 11, 2020



Categories: Coronavirus Inspirational Message Center,Coronavirus Retreat,Featured,Lessons From a Crisis

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